Rotavirus VP7 Recoated Particle

Below is a stack (15 GB) of 3,786 images (MRC/CCP4 format) of Rotavirus VP7 Recoated Particle (VP7/7RP [1]). The images were collected on a FEI Tecnai F30 electron microscope at a magnification of 59,000x and underfocus ranging between 1.2 and 3.5 µm. Alignment parameters determined by Frealign for each particle in the stack can also be found below, as well as a reconstruction of 7RP (also MRC/CCP4 format) and a script to calculate a reconstruction using Frealign.

To download the stack, please download all 8 parts below (7RP_stack_aa.part.gz - 7RP_stack_ao.part.gz), unzip, and combine them to a single stack. On a Linux/UNIX system, you can use the attached script to download all parts and restore the stack. After downloading the script, type

chmod +x get_7rp_stack.b
./get_7rp_stack.b &

If you download the partial stacks manually use this command to restore the stack:

gunzip -c 7rp_stack_* > 7RP_stack.mrc

The file 7RP_stack.mrc will contain the stack with all 3,786 images (the 15 partial stacks can be deleted).

Please download one file at a time or use the supplied scripts to download files sequentially. Attempts to download more than one file at a time will cause a Service Temporarily Unavailable message to be displayed.

