Operation Modes & Control Panels
The modular functions of Signature are grouped into various control panels (OpPanel). An OpPanel can be activated by one of the OpMode buttons located at the bottom of the main display window.
Micrograph OpPanel
This panel provides functions for micrograph inspection and micrograph masking. When a new micrograph is loaded, the system will be automatically switched to Micrograph OpPanel, in which the user can
- Set the pixel resolution of the micrograph (in Å)
- Examine image quality (histogram and power spectrum)
- Apply automatic and manual micrograph masking
- Record a brief message about the image at Keynote
- Adjust image brightness and contrast for better visualization
Template OpPanel
This panel provides functions for template image masking and search parameter setup. Note that both X- and Y-dimensions of each template image are required to have at least 32 pixels. When a new template stack is loaded, the system will be automatically switched to Template OpPanel, in which the user can
- Set masking radius for LCF screening (by percentage)
- Set masking radii (inner and outer) for SCF screening
- Apply manual masking tools to customize mask shape for each frame
- Activate the level-II screening, if necessary, and build corresponding masks
- Set the range and step size of rotational search (in degrees)
Particle OpPanel
This panel provides functions for algorithmic/manual particle screening, selection and inspection. When working in Particle OpPanel, the user can
- Define the approximate particle diameter (Size, in Å)
- Set the micrograph Resize factor
- Set LCF / SCF thresholds and intra-particle separation (Dist) restraint for screening. The separation distance is between particle boundaries
- Apply test screening (
) to ensure correct parameter setup (optional)
- Apply automatic full-range particle screening (Screening)
- Apply manual particle selection
- Inspect the particle selection through monitors
- Build particle stack and send it to Image Stack Editor for further processing
2D Image OpPanel
This panel provides functions for image cropping (include filament boxing) and image processing. When working in 2D-Image OpPanel, the user can
- Crop a rectangular image section from the micrograph
- Box a filement along any direction
- Apply various 2D image processing functions
3D Model OpPanel
This panel provides functions for 3D density map display and image processing. When working in 3D-Model OpPanel, the user can
- Load and display a 3D density map
- Examine density distribution by level-set display
- Generate 2D projections at regular angular intervals
- Apply various 3D image processing functions