Grigorieff N
Grigorieff N
Displaying 101 - 110 of 149
Duan XF, Grigorieff N, Cherns D, Steeds JW, Sheng C. Profiling of Ge(X)Si(1-X)/Si strained-layer superlattices by large-angle convergent-beam electron diffraction and electron holography.
. Download: Duan_IPCS1993.pdf - 1.72 MB
Jordan IK, Grigorieff N, Cherns D, Hockly M, Spurdens PC, Aylett MR, Scott EG. The detection of strain within InP-InGaAs single quantum well structures using large-angle convergent-beam electron diffraction.
. Download: Jordan_IPCS1991.pdf - 2.27 MB
Jurica MS, Licklider LJ, Gygi SR, Grigorieff N, Moore MJ. Purification and characterization of native spliceosomes suitable for three-dimensional structural analysis.
. Download: Jurica_RNA2002.pdf - 10.92 MB
Sokolova O, Kolmakova-Partensky L, Grigorieff N. Three-dimensional structure of a voltage-gated potassium channel at 2.5 nm resolution.
. Download: Sokolova_Structure2001.pdf - 194.79 KB
Nogales E, Grigorieff N. Molecular machines: putting the pieces together.
. Download: Nogales_JCB2001.pdf - 468.1 KB
Mindell JA, Maduke M, Miller C, Grigorieff N. Projection structure of a ClC-type chloride channel at 6.5 Å resolution.
. Download: Mindell_Nature2001.pdf - 688.49 KB
Grigorieff N. Resolution measurement in structures derived from single particles.
. Download: Grigorieff_ActaCryst2000.pdf - 978.21 KB
Lam Y-M, Grigorieff N, Goldbeck-Wood G. Direct visualisation of micelles of Pluronic block copolymers in aqueous solution by cryo-TEM.
. Download: Lam_PCCP1999.pdf - 1.79 MB