Schmidt M
Schmidt M
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Liberta F, Loerch S, Rennegarbe M, Schierhorn A, Westermark P, Westermark GT, Hazenberg BPC, Grigorieff N, Fändrich M, Schmidt M. Cryo-EM fibril structures from systemic AA amyloidosis reveal the species complementarity of pathological amyloids.
. Download: Liberta_NatureComm2019.pdf - 6 MB
Liberta F, Loerch S, Rennegarbe M, Schierhorn A, Westermark P, Westermark GT, Grigorieff N, Fändrich M, Schmidt M. Cryo-EM structure of an amyloid fibril from systemic amyloidosis.
. Download: Liberta_bioRxiv2018.pdf - 13.13 MB
Close W, Neumann M, Schmidt A, Hora M, Annamalai K, Schmidt M, Reif B, Schmidt V, Grigorieff N, Fändrich M. Physical basis of amyloid fibril polymorphism.
. Download: Close_NatureComm2018.pdf - 4.57 MB
Schmidt A, Annamalai K, Schmidt M, Grigorieff N, Fändrich M. Cryo-EM reveals the steric zipper structure of a light chain-derived amyloid fibril.
. Download: Schmidt_PNAS2016.pdf - 3.15 MB
Schmidt M, Rohou A, Lasker K, Yadav JK, Schiene-Fischer C, Fändrich M, Grigorieff N. Peptide Dimer Structure in an Aβ(1-42) Fibril Visualized with Cryo-EM.
. Download: Schmidt_PNAS2015.pdf - 2.25 MB
Fändrich M, Schmidt M, Grigorieff N. Recent progress in understanding Alzheimer's β-amyloid structures.
. Download: Fandrich_TIBS2011.pdf - 763.2 KB