Grigorieff N
Grigorieff N
Displaying 31 - 40 of 149
Jung J, Grant T, Thomas DR, Diehnelt CW, Grigorieff N, Joshua-Tor L. High-resolution cryo-EM structures of outbreak strain human norovirus shells reveal size variations.
. Download: Jung_PNAS2019.pdf - 1.59 MB
Liberta F, Loerch S, Rennegarbe M, Schierhorn A, Westermark P, Westermark GT, Hazenberg BPC, Grigorieff N, Fändrich M, Schmidt M. Cryo-EM fibril structures from systemic AA amyloidosis reveal the species complementarity of pathological amyloids.
. Download: Liberta_NatureComm2019.pdf - 6 MB
Jenni S, Bloyet L-M, Diaz-Avalos R, Liang B, Whelan SPJ, Grigorieff N, Harrison SC. Structure of the vesicular stomatitis virus L protein in complex with its phosphoprotein cofactor.
. Download: Jenni_bioRxiv2019.pdf - 79.12 MB
Zhang C, Cantara W, Jeon Y, Musier-Forsyth K, Grigorieff N, Lyumkis D. Analysis of discrete local variability and structural covariance in macromolecular assemblies using cryo-EM and focused classification.
. Download: Zhang_Ultramicroscopy2019.pdf - 3.72 MB
Vemu A, Szczesna E, Zehr EA, Spector JO, Grigorieff N, Deaconescu AM, Roll-Mecak A. Severing enzymes amplify microtubule arrays through lattice GTP-tubulin incorporation.
. Download: Vemu_Science2018.pdf - 17.69 MB
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Song K, Shang Z, Fu X, Lou X, Grigorieff N, Nicastro D. Structure of the ciliary axoneme at nanometer resolution reconstructed by TYGRESS.
. Download: Song_bioRxiv2018.pdf - 3.36 MB
Liberta F, Loerch S, Rennegarbe M, Schierhorn A, Westermark P, Westermark GT, Grigorieff N, Fändrich M, Schmidt M. Cryo-EM structure of an amyloid fibril from systemic amyloidosis.
. Download: Liberta_bioRxiv2018.pdf - 13.13 MB
Bartesaghi A, Aguerrebere C, Falconieri V, Banerjee S, Earl LA, Zhu X, Grigorieff N, Milne JLS, Sapiro G, Wu X, Subramaniam S. Atomic resolution cryo-EM structure of β-galactosidase.
. Download: Bartesaghi_Structure2018.pdf - 19.57 MB
, Supplementary_movie.mp4 - 119.15 MB
Zehr EA, Rohou A, Liu Y, Verba KA, Pogliano J, Grigorieff N, Agard DA. Mechanistic origins of dynamic instability in filaments from the phage tubulin, PhuZ.
. Download: Zehr_bioRxiv2018.pdf - 18.46 MB