Rohou A
Rohou A
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Zehr EA, Rohou A, Liu Y, Verba KA, Pogliano J, Grigorieff N, Agard DA. Mechanistic origins of dynamic instability in filaments from the phage tubulin, PhuZ.
. Download: Zehr_bioRxiv2018.pdf - 18.46 MB
Grant T, Rohou A, Grigorieff N. cisTEM, User-friendly software for single-particle image processing.
. Download: Grant_eLife2018.pdf - 2.76 MB
Zhou A, Rohou A, Schep DG, Bason JV, Montgomery MG, Walker JE, Grigorieff N, Rubenstein JL. Structure and conformational states of the bovine mitochondrial ATP synthase by cryo-EM.
. Download: Zhou_eLife2015.pdf - 3.03 MB
Schmidt M, Rohou A, Lasker K, Yadav JK, Schiene-Fischer C, Fändrich M, Grigorieff N. Peptide Dimer Structure in an Aβ(1-42) Fibril Visualized with Cryo-EM.
. Download: Schmidt_PNAS2015.pdf - 2.25 MB
Rohou A, Grigorieff N. CTFFIND4: Fast and accurate defocus estimation from electron micrographs.
. Download: Rohou_JSB2015.pdf - 908.12 KB