Deaconescu AM
Deaconescu AM
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Vemu A, Szczesna E, Zehr EA, Spector JO, Grigorieff N, Deaconescu AM, Roll-Mecak A. Severing enzymes amplify microtubule arrays through lattice GTP-tubulin incorporation.
. Download: Vemu_Science2018.pdf - 17.69 MB
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Szyk A, Deaconescu AM, Spector J, Goodman B, Valenstein ML, Ziolkowska NE, Kormendi V, Grigorieff N, Roll-Mecak A. Molecular basis for age-dependent microtubule acetylation by tubulin acetyltransferase.
. Download: Szyk_Cell2014.pdf - 4.98 MB
Deaconescu AM, Artsimovitch I, Grigorieff N. Interplay of DNA repair with transcription: from structures to mechanisms.
. Download: Deaconescu_TIBS2012.pdf - 2.12 MB
Deaconescu AM, Sevostyanova A, Artsimovitch I, Grigorieff N. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) machinery recruitment by the transcription-repair coupling factor involves unmasking of a conserved intramolecular interface.
. Download: Deaconescu_PNAS2012.pdf - 3.28 MB