Goode BL
Goode BL
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Okada K, Bartolini F, Deaconescu AM, Moseley JB, Dogic Z, Grigorieff N, Gunderson GG, Goode BL. Adenomatous polyposis coli protein nucleates actin assembly and synergizes with the formin mDia1.
. Download: Okada_JCB2010.pdf - 4.06 MB
Rodal AA, Sokolova O, Robins DB, Daugherty KM, Hippenmeyer S, Riezman H, Grigorieff N, Goode BL. Conformational changes in the Arp2/3 complex leading to actin nucleation.
. Download: Rodal_NSMB2005.pdf - 3.1 MB