Relion to Frealign broken link


On the software download page for frealign ( ) a script to convert particle alignment parameters from Relion to Frealign is mentioned, and there is a link. Unfortunately the link just returns a "Page not found" page. Does this script exist? I would like to use it.

In reply to by Alexis


I recently used the script linked above, and could not reconstruct the input map from the resulting par file. I noticed that the final X/Y shifts appear to be switched in the output .par files, such that:

SHX = -(Relion rlnOriginY)
SHY = -(Relion rlnOriginX).

Is this correct? When I switched x and y in the final loop (lines 56 and 58), the resulting par files could then be used to reconstruct the input map.
