Relion to Frealign broken link
On the software download page for frealign ( ) a script to convert particle alignment parameters from Relion to Frealign is mentioned, and there is a link. Unfortunately the link just returns a "Page not found" page. Does this script exist? I would like to use it.
Hi, Please try the script
Please try the script linked to on this page:
Let me know if it works and if it does I'll fix the link on the frealign page to point to that one.
Yes, that works, thanks! Or
In reply to Hi, Please try the script by Alexis
Yes, that works, thanks! Or at least, the link works!
Minor Bug with Relion conversion script
In reply to Hi, Please try the script by Alexis
I recently used the script linked above, and could not reconstruct the input map from the resulting par file. I noticed that the final X/Y shifts appear to be switched in the output .par files, such that:
SHX = -(Relion rlnOriginY)
SHY = -(Relion rlnOriginX).
Is this correct? When I switched x and y in the final loop (lines 56 and 58), the resulting par files could then be used to reconstruct the input map.
Thanks for letting us know
In reply to Minor Bug with Relion conversion script by mcjohnson
Thanks for letting us know about this. In general, if the reconstruction now looks good I'd assume you indeed fixed a problem with the script!