how to read in symmetry matrices?
Do you have an example to demonstrate how to read in a set of symmetry matrices for an undefined symmetry group? Should I provide the matrices in the "mparameter" file? Thanks.
Do you have an example to demonstrate how to read in a set of symmetry matrices for an undefined symmetry group? Should I provide the matrices in the "mparameter" file? Thanks.
The new scripts that are now
The new scripts that are now used with Frealign do not allow entry of symmetry matrices anymore. The only way to use special symmetry matrices is to modify the scripts
in the Frealign bin directory. For the symmetry, you must provide in integer (not zero) that indicates the number of symmetry operators you wish to provide (please read the README.txt file in the Frealign directory). In
scripts you can then enter additional lines after input CARD 5, e.g.for a single symmetry operator.