What's new in FREALIGN v8.11 in terms of helical processing
What's new in FREALIGN v8.11 in terms of helical processing?
And when doing FREALIGN local refinement (mode 1), what's the difference between setting ASYM to H and 0 (C1)?
Helical processing has not
Helical processing has not changed in 8.11. A few other things were updated and small bugs were removed (and maybe new ones added - who knows).
Setting the symmetry to H during refinement (Mode 1) will cause Frealign to reset the parameters to minimize translations of segments along the helical axis. Instead, a certain portion of the translations will be expressed as rotations around the helical axis according to the helical symmetry. Also, using H for symmetry during refinement will impose restraints on the angles to keep filaments straight. The strength of these restraints can be adjusted using the stiffness parameter (a small value, e.g. 1 will impose only weak restraints, a large value, e.g. 100 will impose strong restraints).
Hi, Niko, thanks for the
In reply to Helical processing has not by niko
Hi, Niko, thanks for the explanation!
A follow-up question:
When doing 3D reconstruction (mode 0) with ASYM = H, and for my microtubule data I set NSUBUNITS to 13,
does FREALIGN takes the exact alignment parameter in the .par file and inserts 12 copies into 3D FT space (clockwise 6 times and counter-clockwise 6 times) based on the specified helical symmetry, or it does the translations minimization first (like what you described in refinement mode 1)?
The reason I ask is that microtubule is not a real helical object, so this translation minimization thing is not good because it will alter the seam location.