upper limit of frealign_mp version
Is there anyone who has ever seen the problem "Number of parallel processors too large,Resetting IMP =12"? The programme has detected 24 CPUs, which echoes "Parallel Processing: NCPUS=24" in the beginning. The version I used is 8.11(the latest version of helical reconstruction). And I was trying to run it on our DELL T7600 workstation.
Hi, I haven't run into this
I haven't run into this problem in the past, largely because setting the number of processors in multi-processor reconstruction to 24 is unlikely to yield an improvement in processing time that is worth the use of extra resources.
Frealign's parallelization
Frealign's parallelization becomes very inefficient if too many CPUs are used together with small particle sizes. The message is only a warning and Frealign should run without problems.