Frealign angle/shift parameter refinement limits
I was wondering if there is a way to make Frealign restrict it's angle / shift refinement to within certain limits. For instance, is it possible to tell Frealign to only refine theta to within 15 degrees.
No, Frealign does not have
No, Frealign does not have such a feature. But the code could be modified to do this. For example, one could include in the subroutine calcfx.f some penalty for angles outside a specified range.
Okay, thanks. I think it
In reply to No, Frealign does not have by niko
Okay, thanks. I think it would be a very nice option for anyone who has data that can be used to restrain their search space (e.g., the tilt angle in random conical tilt data). I'm preparing for Biophysics, but I'll post here again as soon as I have a chance to work on this.