asymmetric reconstruction


I found a general general description for doing a virus asymmetric reconstruction with frealign here:

Does anyone have any information on how to use the asymmetry scripts mentioned on that link to do a phage reconstruction? I've already completed the symmetric reconstruction with Frealign and I have an initial model from Auto3DEM.

In reply to by niko

All of my scripts currently utilize frealign version 8.09 format.
Will Frealign 9.11 continue an iteration from version 8.09?
Do the methods mentioned in the ms (lowercase symmetry letter and mask) work with version 8.09?

In reply to by niko

I converted the v8.09 parameter file to v9.11. The icosahedral reconstruction has slightly improved.
I have an icosahedral virus with a tail only at one of the 12 five folds. How can I get Frealign to align and reconstruct the asymmetric feature only at one five-fold? So far, I've tried "i1" but the tail doesn't show up. Next I planned to use my model containing a tail with a mask around the tail density. But I'm not sure this will orient the particles with the tail aligned to one 5-fold.

In reply to by rmcnulty

You need to create a 3D mask file that includes only one of the five subunits on one of the 12 vertices. Use this mask (key word mask_file in mparameters) with i1 symmetry to do a classification in which parameter alignment is turned off. To turn off parameter alignment, set all the flags in the parameter_mask (in mparameters) to zero, i.e. the string should be "0 0 0 0 0" instead of "1 1 1 1 1".

In reply to by niko

There are 7 proteins in the icosahedral asymmetric unit. I made a mask around the protein that makes up one fifth of the five-fold, from only one of 12 vertices. I requested i1 and set parameter mask to 0 0 0 0 0. This is the error I get before the crash:

PGFIO-F-217/list-directed read/unit=5/attempt to read past end of file.
File name = stdin formatted, sequential access record = 11
In source file apply_mask.f, at line number 191 finished

In reply to by niko

Reggie, you should make sure that your syntax is correct for the mparameters file (compare with the template mparameters) and that your mask is appropriately centered in the area of interest. You can come by Salk at some point if it doesn't work, and someone in the group can show you. This approach should work well for what you want to do.

In reply to by niko

I found the issue by running apply_mask.exe directly. The program ask for a couple of other items not in my mparameters file – like mask_edge. Once these items were added (also mentioned in your paper) the refinement was able to proceed.