Frealign STIFFNESS parameter
Dear FREALIGN developers,
I'm trying helical refinement with frealign (V9.11 build on 151031), and now I need a conclusion about the STIFFNESS parameter.
In the default mparameters file produced by frealign_helical_template, the STIFFNESS parameter is explained as 'Stregth of straightness restraint (small value = strong restraint).'.
But in README.txt (included in frealign_v9.11), and also in some past posts in this forum, the STIFFNESS parameter is explained as the opposite (small value = weak restraint).
Could you tell me which is correct? I will appreciate your help.
Kotaro Tanaka
Small values (e.g. 1) of
Small values (e.g. 1) of STIFFNESS impose a weak restraint: parameters along the filaments are allowed to vary more.
Large values (e.g. 50) of STIFFNESS impose a strong restraint: parameters along the filaments are allowed to vary less.
Thank you for your
In reply to Small values (e.g. 1) of by niko
Thank you for your answer.