
Comments and questions about DQE determination with FindDQE.

new error : Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference

the new version runs well for the downloaded US4000 data. but for the downloaded K2 data, error again, see below:

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7FFAA32457D7
#1 0x7FFAA3245DDE
#2 0x7FFAA2B97D3F
#3 0x404D7A in calcfx_
#4 0x4053BC in va04a_
#5 0x40B9B4 in fit_counting_nps_
#6 0x4193BA in MAIN__ at finddqe.f:?
./ line 8: 705 Segmentation fault (core dumped) finddqe.exe > 50e.log <

new error when test the US4000 data

I download the US4000.tar.gz data from the DQE Data Files page, I use one of them to test the program. but it cannot run. error like this:

  Input image with pointer silhouette

 Opening MRC/CCP4 file for READ...
 File      : 50e.mrc
 NX, NY, NZ:   4096  4096     1
 MODE      : int*2
 Min, max  :     0.000000        1328.000    
 Mean, RMS :     453.6872        0.000000    
 TITLE    1: SerialEM: Cameras on TF20 0:Falcon 1:US4000 2:Orius     14-Nov-12  11:43:05     

error message: invalid next size

When I run the software FindDQE.exe, but some error message like this:

*** Error in `finddqe.exe': free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x0000000002260d20 ***

Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.

Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7EFC425827D7
#1 0x7EFC42582DDE
#2 0x7EFC41ED4D3F
#3 0x7EFC41ED4CC9
#4 0x7EFC41ED80D7
#5 0x7EFC41F11393
#6 0x7EFC41F1D66D
#7 0x414C61 in MAIN__ at finddqe.f:?
Aborted (core dumped)

somebody said it just because my small buffer in my terminal, is that right?

Low-resolution NPS artifact solution

In case anyone else is having a problem with low-resolution spikes in their Noise Power Spectrum, attached is a version of FindDQE that flattens the first 1% of the NPS by replacing it with the average of the second 1%. Should quash those crazy artefactual spikes, resulting in better NPS scaling.

Those spikes might also be indicative of a bad gain reference, so check that as well...

NPS problem

I have used findDQE software to test the DQE of three different cameras. I collected images on TF20 operating at 120 kV. Although the MTF and DQE curves seem very good, the NPS curves decrease sharpely from 2 to ~0, which are not reasonable.
I have added the image here. the three diffrence color curves indicate three kinds of cameras. In the above are MTF curves, middle DQE curves and bottom NPS curves. You can see the unnormal data.