Cryoelectron tomography reveals doublet-specific structures and unique interactions in the I1 dynein
Posted On
Rejected By
J. Cell Biol.
Ultimately Published In
2012, PNAS 109:E2067-76
The rejection-file includes: first reviews, part of our cover-letter for the revision, rejection letter and second reviews - including a new reviewer, because the negative reviewer 1 was not available for a second review, then our appeal questioning why we were not given the opportunity to reply to the comments of the new reviewer, and finally rejection of our appeal.
Movies of ice-embedded particles enhance resolution in electron cryo-microscopy
Posted On
Rejected By
PNAS, Nature Methods
Ultimately Published In
2012, Structure 20:1823–1828
After this paper was published, everybody in cryo-EM field who has a movie-capable camera switched to movies. Not good enough for PNAS and Nature Methods...