compiling frealign v9.11
I don't know if this will help anyone else, but I spent the last couple of hours trying to compile v 9.11 on a cluster that has lots of versions of the Intel compilers. I was able to build things without trouble using Intel 15.0.1 (our most recent version). I did not try the static builds, but I assume they would have worked also. However, all the other Makefile_linux makes failed when they tried to use the MKL libraries associated with the Intel 15.0.1 release. However, I was able to set MKLROOT to the Intel 14.0.2 release and the builds all worked. Meaning I was able to get things to compile using both gcc 4.9.2 and PGI 15.7.
I currently have no idea whether any of these actually work, or if there are advantages to the different compilers on our system. But maybe this information will be helpful for people who run into compiler issues...