Submitting to SGE
I am having trouble executing multiple jobs in parallele on our SGE cluster.
I am using the below specified mparameters and running frealign_run_refine on the head node. As expected 30 Jobs are queued and start runnning. One exemplary log file (the other 29 are the same):
/bcm/opt/cryo/frealign/frealign_v9.11/bin/frealign_v9.exe: Command not found.
The path is correct, I already checked this.
# Computer-specific setting
cluster_type sge ! Set to "sge", "lsf", "slurm" or "pbs" when running on an SGE, LSF, SLURM or PBS cluster, otherwise set to "none".
nprocessor_ref 30 ! Number of CPUs to use during refinement.
nprocessor_rec 4 ! Number of CPUs to use during reconstruction.
mem_per_cpu 2000 ! Memory available per CPU (in MB).
# Refinement-specific parameters
MODE 1 ! 1, 2, 3 or 4. Refinement mode, normally 1. Set to 2 for additional search.
start_process 63 ! First cycle to execute. Output files from previous cycle (n-1) required.
end_process 63 ! Last cycle to execute.
res_high_refinement 15.0 ! High-resolution limit for particle alignment.
res_high_class 21.0 ! High-resolution limit to calculate class membership (OCC).
thresh_reconst 0.9 ! Particles with scores below this value will not be included in the reconstruction.
nclasses 1 ! Number of classes to use.
# Search-specific parameters
res_search 19.0 ! High-resolution limit for orientational search.
thresh_refine 70.0 ! Score threshold above which search will not be performed.
DANG 5.0 ! Angular step for orientational search.
ITMAX 200 ! Number of repetitions of grid search with random starting angles.
Bsearch 2000.0 ! B-factor filtering (when > 0) applied during search.
# Dataset-specific parameters
data_input test_c5 ! Root name for parameter and map files.
raw_images test_stack_c5_dc3
image_contrast N ! N or P. Set to N if particles are dark on bright background, otherwise set to P.
outer_radius 200.0 ! Outer radius of spehrical particle mask in Angstrom.
inner_radius 0.0 ! Inner radius of spehrical particle mask in Angstrom.
mol_mass 1500.0 ! Molecular mass in kDa of particle or helical segment.
Symmetry C1 ! Symmetry of particle.
pix_size 3.252 ! Pixel size of particle in Angstrom.
dstep 42.0 ! Pixel size of detector in micrometer.
Aberration 2.7 ! Sherical aberration coefficient in millimeter.
Voltage 300.0 ! Beam accelleration voltage in kilovolt.
Amp_contrast 0.1 ! Amplitude contrast.
# Expert parameters (for expert users)
XSTD 0.0 ! Tighter masking of 3D map (XSTD > 0) or particles (XSTD < 0).
PBC 20.0 ! Discriminate particles with different scores during reconstruction. Small values (5 - 10) discriminate more than large values (50 - 100).
refineangleinc 1 ! When larger than 1: Alternate between refinement of OCC and OCC + angles.
refineshiftinc 1 ! When larger than 1: Alternate between refinement of OCC and OCC + angles + shifts.
res_reconstruction 0.0 ! High-resolution limit of reconstruction. Normally set to Nyquist limit.
res_low_refinement 0.0 ! Low-resolution limit for particle alignment. Set to particle dimention or larger.
FMAG F ! T or F. Set to T to refine particle magnification. Not recommended in most cases.
FDEF F ! T or F. Set to T to refine defocus per micrograph. Not recommended in most cases.
FASTIG F ! T or F. Set to T to refine astigmatism. Not recommended in most cases.
FPART F ! T or F. Set to T to refine defocus for each particle. Not recommended in most cases.
FFILT T ! T or F. Set to T to apply optimal filter to reconstruction. Recommended in most cases.
FMATCH F ! T or F. Set to T to output matching projections. Only needed for diagnostics.
FBEAUT F ! T or F. Set to T to apply symmetry also in real space. Not needed in most cases.
FBOOST F ! T or F. Set to T to allow potential overfitting during refinement. Not recommended in most cases.
RBfactor 0.0 ! B-factor sharpening (when < 0) applied during refinement. Not recommended in most cases.
mp_cpus 1 ! Number of CPUs to use for each reconstruction job.
restart_after_crash F ! T or F. Set to T to restart job if it crashes.
delete_scratch T ! Delete intermediate files in scratch directory.
qsub_string_ref "-pe 1 -cwd -S /bin/bash" ! String to add to cluster jobs submitted for refinement (only for SGE and PBS clusters).
qsub_string_rec "-pe 1 -cwd -S /bin/bash" ! String to add to cluster jobs submitted for reconstruction (only for SGE and PBS clusters).
frealign_bin_dir /bcm/opt/cryo/frealign/frealign_v9.11/bin
Looks like the path is not
Looks like the path is not valid on the nodes that run the jobs. One way to check is to ssh into one of the nodes and see if the path is valid.