PSI angle not read
This is a bit of a continuation to the "map does not refine" entry to the forum where I was trying to get mode "3" or "4" to arrive to a 3d model similar to the given reference. I was adviced to try to convert my alignment parameters from spider and try then. And here is what I found:
I manage to obtain a reasonanle good model when I use as input stack file a file that has been already aligned by spider. In that case, the PSI angle is left as zero and everything works well.
In order to avoid interpolation problems I want to use the original unaligned file. Then, I do no get it to work. There is no angle combination that would generate the same model out.
I've noticed (by a mistake that I made) that whatever is written in the PSI column in the parameters file seems to make no difference. If the dataset is aligned, it will generate the right model regardless of the values written there. If the dataset is not aligned, it will not work, generating a ball-density as output, also regardless of what values are written there.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? The PSI values do not make a difference and I understand they are the only way I could have the particles of an unaligned dataset aligned in frealign to obtain the correct model. On the other hand the other angles and shifts are no problem at all as with the aligned dataset it works really well.
Any ideas?
Thank you very much,
Please make sure you are
Please make sure you are using Mode 0 to calculate the reconstruction, not Mode 3 or 4. The Psi angles should be read in just like the other angles and the reconstruction should depend on them.
In reply to Please make sure you are by niko
Hi Niko,
Thanks for your response. I am using Mode 0 to reconstruct from a given parameters file. But I found that I had made a mistake with the files so this error is most probably due to my mistake.
I still do manage to convert the angles from spider such that it works with the unaligned dataset.
Thanks for your time,