Problems in reading parameter file
Dear all,
We have problems over here in Finland... We have managed to successfully install frealign on our in-house cluster, and the pdh test data set works fine. When we try to run our own data - parameter files created either from scratch and run in modes -4 or -3, or alternatively parameter files generated in imagic using imagic-to-frealign - we get this error message:
At line 54 of file card10.f
Fortran runtime error: No such file or directory
Currently we have been trying to run frealign with the parameter file in the wrk directory, in the scratch directory and in ../ from the work directory. We get the same error message in all cases.
Any suggestions, help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Lotta, Based on your error
Hi Lotta,
Based on your error message you are using an older version of Frealign (is it 8.08?). Please download the latest version and try again. If the problem is still there, please email me script you use to run Frealign, including all the input control parameters.