Error: Cannot seek in file...


Hi. I am currently using the latest non-GPU version of frealign 8 and I got an error when I was trying to do a reconstruction. The program randomly stopped at different points during the reconstruction process and gave a message "cannot seek in file.." before it terminated. I have checked the parameter file as well as the stack and they both look fine, and there is no problem when I use them in frealign 7. I am suspecting that there is actually a bug in the latest version?

Thank you very much.

This looks like an error generated by the C library, probably while reading from the image stack. How many GB of data is in the stack? Are you running on a 64 bit system and have reasonably up-to-date C libraries? Is it a Linux OS? In the old days (on 32 bit machines), there was an address space limit that created problems when reading files larger than 2 GB. If you have old libraries, an older OS or older hardware and a large stack, the error could be related to the limited address space.