CTFTILT versions question

I think the current version of CTFTILT is v.1.5. I'm currently using the versions v.1.2 and v.1.3 of CTFTILT that were included in different releases of image2000, the MRC image processing suite. I was wondering what new features and/ or bug fixes there have been between v.1.2 and v.1.3 and also what's new v.1.5 (apart from support on multiple processors which was added in v.1.5, I think),


CTFTILT v.1.5 asks for two additional values on the second input line: TiltA and TiltR. TiltA is the expected tilt angle, for example 0.0 for untilted images. TiltR is the expected uncertainty which allows one to strengthen or weaken the angular constraint. This new feature makes CTFTILT more robust in cases where the approximate angle is known.