latest ctffind4 installation problems

I am trying to install the newest version of CTFFIND4 on my old laptop running Ubuntu 16.04 and get the following errors:

1) If I use ../configure FC=ifort F77=ifort: file 1
2) If I use ../configure: file 2
I do not understand the last one because I have explicitly installed fftw3.3.

Thanks for comments,
Best, Dieter

Hi Dieter,

Could it be that you only installed the fftw package, and not the fftw-dev package?


In reply to by Alexis

Hi Alexis,
thanks for the hint! Yes, you were right, I installed and it worked. Although '../configure FC=ifort F77=ifort' resulted in the same error when running configure without parameters I got a compiled binary. I have not yet tried running it though...