Installing CTFFind-4.1.14
Attempting to install ctffind-4.1.14 on Centos8.3. I have checked thoroughly that all dependencies are present. I have tried all the compile versions which do not run (segmentation fault). I compiled trying with --disable-debugmode the 'make' output has a lot of problems but runs to completion and I have attached the configure and make outputs: (When I use --enable-debugmode there are far fewer warnings during 'make' but ctffind does not run any further). On running ctffind I get segmentation fault. (also it says that openmp is not available but I have loaded openmpi with 'module load')
[croninn@loncemserv1 ctffind-4.1.14]$ ./ctffind
** Welcome to Ctffind **
Version : 4.1.14
Compiled : Mar 17 2021
Mode : Interactive
Input image file name [input.mrc] : /home/croninn/reliontutorial/relion30_tutorial/MotionCorr/job014/Movies/20170629_00049_frameImage.mrc
Output diagnostic image file name
[diagnostic_output.mrc] :
Pixel size [1.0] : 0.885
Acceleration voltage [300.0] : 200
Spherical aberration [2.70] : 1.4
Amplitude contrast [0.07] : 0.1
Size of amplitude spectrum to compute [512] :
Minimum resolution [30.0] :
Maximum resolution [5.0] :
Minimum defocus [5000.0] :
Maximum defocus [50000.0] :
Defocus search step [100.0] :
Do you know what astigmatism is present? [no] :
Slower, more exhaustive search? [no] :
Use a restraint on astigmatism? [no] :
Find additional phase shift? [no] :
Do you want to set expert options? [no] :
File name: 20170629_00049_frameImage.mrc
File type: MRC
Dimensions: X = 3710 Y = 3838 Z = 1
Number of slices: 1
Working on micrograph 1 of 1
OpenMP is not available - will not use parallel threads.
13000.02 13000.02 -42.50 0.15615
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I found the solution in previous post to edit the ctffind.cpp file and recompile. Amazing!!