ctffind 4.1.14 segmentation fault
Dear All,
Recently I have installed ctffind-4.1.14 from ctffind-4.1.14.tar.gz, with exactly the following prerequisites satisfied"
sudo yum -y install epel-release
sudo yum -y install fftw fftw-devel wxGTK3 wxGTK3-devel libtiff libtiff-devel cmake make gcc git which diffutils gcc-c++ libjpeg-turbo-devel
My dataset was exactly the relion 3.1 tutorial dataset.Until and even at the ctffind step, the process was done exactly based on the relion 3.1 tutorial.
However the run.err of the ctffind step was as attached.
Then with the 20170629_00049_frameImage.mrc (attached)from the relion 3.1 motion correction step as input, I have run standalone ctffind 4.1.14, the output was as following:
** Welcome to Ctffind **
Version : 4.1.14
Compiled : Aug 18 2020
Mode : Interactive
Input image file name
[20170629_00049_frameImage.mrc] : 20170629_00049_frameImage.mrc
Output diagnostic image file name
[practice130.mrc] : practiceptactice140.mrc
Pixel size [0.885] : 0.885
Acceleration voltage [200] : 200
Spherical aberration [1.4] : 1.4
Amplitude contrast [0.1] : 0.1
Size of amplitude spectrum to compute [512] : 512
Minimum resolution [30] : 30
Maximum resolution [5] : 5
Minimum defocus [5000] : 5000
Maximum defocus [50000] : 50000
Defocus search step [500] : 500
Do you know what astigmatism is present? [no] : no
Slower, more exhaustive search? [no] : no
Use a restraint on astigmatism? [no] : no
Find additional phase shift? [no] : no
Do you want to set expert options? [no] : no
File name: 20170629_00049_frameImage.mrc
File type: MRC
Dimensions: X = 512 Y = 512 Z = 1
Number of slices: 1
Working on micrograph 1 of 1
OpenMP is not available - will not use parallel threads.
8238.96 8238.96 0.00 0.84406
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I am looking forward to getting your advice on how to have the issue solved.
Best wishes,