Compiling ctffind4 on an AMD system

Hi Alexis,

I see that the ctffind4 binary available to download is for intel processors. Do you have any hints as to the best way (the one most likely to work!) to compile cttfind4 on an AMD system?

Thanks in advance,

David Gallagher
Research Scientist
Bacterial Complex I Group
MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit

Hi David,

Thanks for your interest.

The most likely to work would be to use a very recent version of the Intel Fortran (ideally 2015) compiler on the target machine.

First make sure you have the intel compiler installed and in your path.

Then, download the source tar ball, unpack it, create a build directory, cd to that directory and then:

../configure --prefix [your_install_dir] --enable-static --disable-debug --enable-optimisations --enable-openmp FC=ifort F77=ifort
make install

Please let me know whether this all works. If not, I may be able to prepare a compiled binary that works on AMD chips, though I've no experience doing this.


In reply to by Alexis

Thanks for the advice Alexis. Will pass this on to our system administrator and let you know how we get on.

Many thanks,


Hi David,

I've just released a new version of ctffind (4.0.9) which should be more easy to build, using the GNU compiler suite (>=4.9.1) . In addition, you may want to try the 'compat' binary I distribute along with it, which may work with AMD compilers, though I have not tried this.
