Compiling and using ctffind

I am interested in using the ctffind software available on your website.

Is there a list of instructions available on how to use and compile this software?

I am also planning on doing phase flipping with XMIPP, will the output file be read by this software?

To compile the programs, you have to unpack the archive:

tar -xvf ctf.tar.gz

Then change directory into 'ctf' and compile to programs:

make -f Makefile_linux

(you can also try one of the other Makefiles)

Sample scripts are included with the archive. The paper describing the programs is listed on the web page.

Both programs read IMAGIC, Spider and CCP4 (new MRC) files. I do not know which format XMIPP uses.

I'm somehow not able to compile.
System is Ubuntu 9.04 32Bit.

admin2@bllabubu:~/Desktop/ctf$ ls ioc.c Makefile_linux Makefile_linux_xeon32
ctffind3.f ctftilt.f iof.f Makefile_linux_amd64
admin2@bllabubu:~/Desktop/ctf$ sudo make -f Makefile_linux
g77 -O3 -s -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -falign-functions=4 \
-w -c ctffind3.f
make: g77: Command not found
make: *** [ctffind3.o] Error 127

Please give me a hint :)
Thank You.

In reply to by bchadmin

It looks like you do not have g77 installed. g77 used to be the standard compiler on Linux. It was replaced by gfortran a while ago but not all our software has been updated to use the new compiler. I have updated the Makefiles in the archive. Please go to the download page and download the archive again. It should compile now (assuming gfortran is installed on your system).