(1) unblur_openmp_7_17_15.exe Input stack filename [test_movie.mrc] : test_movie.mrc Number of frames per movie [32] : 32 Output aligned sum file [test_movie_ubl_sum.mrc] : test_movie_ubl_sum.mrc Output shifts file [test_movie_ubl_shifts.txt] : test_movie_ubl_shifts.txt Pixel size of images (A) [1.3] : 1.3 Apply Dose filter? [no] : no Save Aligned Frames? [NO] : no Set Expert Options? [no] : no Performing Alignment...... (2) unblur_openmp_7_17_15.exe Input stack filename [test_movie.mrc] : test_movie.mrc Number of frames per movie [32] : Output aligned sum file [test_movie_ubl_sum.mrc] : test_movie_ubl_DF.mrc Output shifts file [test_movie_ubl_shifts.txt] : test_movie_ubl_shifts.txt Pixel size of images (A) [1.3] : Apply Dose filter? [no] : yes Exposure per frame (e/A^2) [1.0] : 1.562 Acceleration voltage (kV) [300.0] : Pre-exposure amount(e/A^2) [0.0] : 0 Save Aligned Frames? [no] : no Set Expert Options? [no] : no Performing Alignment...... (3) sum_movie_openmp_7_17_15.exe Input stack filename [my_movie.mrc] : test_movie.mrc Number of frames per movie [32] : 32 Output aligned sum file [my_aligned.mrc] : test_movie_ubl_sum_DF.mrc Input shifts file [my_shifts.txt] : test_movie_ubl_shifts.txt Output FRC file [my_frc.txt] : test_movie_ubl_shifts_frc.txt First frame to sum [1] : 1 Last frame to sum [32] : 32 Pixel size of images (A) [1.0] : 1.3 Apply dose filter? [no] : yes Dose per frame (e/A^2) [1.0] : 1.562 Acceleration voltage (kV) [300.0] : 300 Pre-exposure Amount(e/A^2) [0.0] : 0 Restore noise power after filtering? [yes] : no ...... (4) sum_movie_openmp_7_17_15.exe Input stack filename [test_movie.mrc] : test_movie.mrc Number of frames per movie [32] : 32 Output aligned sum file [test_movie_ubl_sum_DF.mrc] : test_movie_ubl_sum_RNP.mrc Input shifts file [test_movie_ubl_shifts.txt] : test_movie_ubl_shifts.txt Output FRC file [test_movie_ubl_shifts_frc.txt] : test_movie_ubl_shifts_frc.txt First frame to sum [1] : 1 Last frame to sum [32] : 32 Pixel size of images (A) [1.3] : 1.3 Apply dose filter? [yes] : yes Dose per frame (e/A^2) [1.562] : 1.562 Acceleration voltage (kV) [300] : 300 Pre-exposure Amount(e/A^2) [0] : 0 Restore noise power after filtering? [no] : yes ¡­¡­