signature COMPILE AND INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: The folder "library" has the latest versions of fftw, gsl, tiff and fltk librariries. The configure script will compile these libraries first and install them in the directory "signature" that is at the same level as the "Signature_Install" directory into which the install package is extracted and contains this file README_FIRST. It will then configure the signature files. "make" will then make the signature executable. Login as user rather than root. Extract the installation package ... gunzip -c Signature_Install.tar.gz | tar xvf - RUN in the top level directory in "Signature_Install" the following: source ./configure make Do not log out as user when ./configure and make are running. make should be run immediately after running ./configure (not later after logging out as user), otherwise local temporary variables that are set will be lost and the make will fail. If you cannot run ./configure and make in one log in session rerun. Before a rerun of ./configure and make delete the signature and Signature_Install directories and extract the archive again. If everything compiles correctly the execuable signature should be present in directory "Signature_Install". Copy this execuable called signature to any directory of choice with the folder "document" that has the manual. After this one can delete both "signature" and "Signature_Install" directories. DO NOT RUN make install, make clean and make distclean. DO NOT add any prefix or suffix to the command ./configure and make. If the ./configure and/or make fails rerun using: ./configure >> config.errors make >> make.errors. Send these files with any other bugs and comments to: